Home Garden

Pansy Seed Propagation

Pansy seeds you buy are most likely biennial hybrids of the species Viola tricolor. Pansies do not thrive in hot, humid climates. Most home gardeners buy pansies as small plants called plugs, but you can grow them yourself from seeds. The seeds are not difficult to germinate, but you do have to follow a few basic steps and precautions.
  1. Seeds

    • You can buy traditional pansy seeds or more expensive seeds that have been treated or primed to improve the germination rate. A higher percentage of primed seeds germinate, and they germinate more quickly and are less susceptible to higher temperatures.

    Planting Mix

    • Germinate your seeds in a soilless planting mix to avoid infecting your pansy seedlings with fungi and other soil-borne diseases. You can buy soilless mixes at most garden supply centers or buy the ingredients and make one yourself. If you buy a planting mix, look for one labeled specifically for seed germination. Most germination mixes contain sphagnum peat moss plus coir, perlite or vermiculite. A germination mix should hold about 86 percent water, 12 to 15 percent air and have a pH close to 5.8.


    • Estimates vary slightly for the optimal temperature for germinating pansy seeds. Horticulturalists at Texas A&M University say the seeds germinate best in a planting mixture that is between 60 and 65 degrees Fahrenheit. The mixture will be cooler than the air, so you should keep the mixture at an indoor temperature between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Horticulturalists at North Carolina State University recommend a constant air temperature of 68 F, while Alabama Cooperative Extension says the ideal air temperature is 65 F. The germination rate drops from 90 to 55 percent if the air temperature is 90 F for more than one day.

    Sowing Procedure

    • Sow your seeds about 1/8 inch deep and cover lightly with your planting mixture. Water it gently and thoroughly. Pansy seeds need darkness to germinate. Wrap your container or seed flat with plastic and over it dampened, folded newspaper. Do not let your planting mixture dry out. Check it daily and if necessary use a mister or fine spray to add moisture to the soil. Your seeds should germinate in 10 to 20 days.