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How to Make Paper White Blooms Last

Unlike other daffodils (Narcissus spp.), paperwhites do not require a cold dormancy in order to flower in spring. A type of tazetta daffodil, paperwhites are native to the mild-wintered Mediterranean. They will bloom after a dry dormancy, which makes them very easy to force into bloom indoors for a winter display. The fragrance emitted by paperwhites is delightful to some, but sickeningly sweet and overbearing to others. Extending the longevity of the numerous small blossoms centers around plant health and mimicking early springtime weather.


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      Move the paperwhites to a bright location, out of hot, direct sunlight. Since temperatures indoors are already around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, the plant's growth rate increases and flowers' life span decreases. A room with a temperature of 55 to 60 F is best to prolong the flowering display. If no such chilly room exists, move the paperwhites to the coolest room, out of drafts from heating vents.

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      Maintain an evenly moist soil in the container for the paperwhite narcissus plants. Avoid soggy soil and overly dry soil; both conditions can cause premature abortion or rotting of flower buds or open blossoms. If the paperwhites are cut flowers in a vase, change the water daily, using the coolest water possible. Also keep the vase out of warming sunlight or heating register drafts.

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      Pinch off withering individual blossoms from the plants with your fingernails or a scissors. Although it does not prolong the flowering cycle of the plant, this process -- called deadheading -- improves the appearance of the flower stem clusters, making the lingering flowers and stems look more presentable.