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How to Grow Chinese Forget Me Nots From Seed

Also known as hound's tongue, Chinese forget-me nots (Cynoglossum amabile) are easy growing annual wildflowers for gardeners hoping to add some blue to the landscape. Growing to 1 1/2 feet tall, the Chinese forget-me not produces clusters of blue flowers in spring and summer and then fades when the weather warms up and humidity levels rise. Chinese forget-me nots tolerate sun or partial shade and grow well within zones 3 through 10 on the U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Zone Map. Direct-sow into the garden in spring, after the last frost date, or summer.

Things You'll Need

  • Shovel
  • Peat moss, shredded bark, chunky compost
  • Rake
  • Pruning shears
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      Check the soil drainage in the flower bed. While the Chinese forget-me-not does not require rich soil it does need well-drained soil to avoid rotting the roots. To check the drainage in the bed, dig a 2-foot deep hole, 1 foot in diameter and fill it with water. Allow the hole to drain and fill it again. Well-drained soil takes less than 12 hours to drain completely.

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      Add amendments to the flower bed soil if drainage is slow. Peat moss, shredded bark and chunky compost are all suitable. Add the material at a rate that increases the drainage to a depth of 6 inches. A general rule of thumb is 3 inches of amendments, mixed into the top 6 inches of the Chinese forget-me-not flower bed. Level and smooth the flower bed with a rake.

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      Press the Chinese forget-me-not seeds one-fourth inch into the soil, 4 inches apart. Water the flower bed so that the top 6 inches is moist and keep it moist while the flower seeds germinate. Chinese forget-me-not seeds germinate within 10 days.

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      Provide the Chinese forget-me-not seedlings with an inch of water a week, if it doesn't rain.

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      Deadhead throughout the growing season. By removing dead Chinese forget-me-not flowers, by pinching them off, you encourage the plant to produce more. Leave the last flowers of the season on the plant and it may reseed and come back next season.

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      Prune the plant to the soil in fall.