Home Garden

How to Cut Flowers From a Camellia Tree

There are more than 3,000 varieties of the small camellia tree, which is native to Japan and China. This tree adds a splash of color to many gardens in the southern United States, where it may bloom well into the winter. These trees do well in the shade, are fairly easy to grow and may be placed close together to form shrubbery. Their colorful flowers may be used for flower arrangements in your home.

Things You'll Need

  • Ruler
  • Vase
  • Pruning shears
  • Bucket of water
  • Scissors
  • Hammer
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  1. Cutting Camellia Flowers

    • 1

      Measure the vase you intend to use for your arrangement before you cut the flowers to determine how long the stems should be cut from the tree. Stem length will vary, depending on your intended arrangement and your chosen vase.

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      Cut the stem from the tree at the appropriate length, using pruning shears. Cut at a 45-degree angle to expose more of the stem to the water. This will prevent crushing and tearing of the stem and encourage faster healing of the plant.

    • 3

      Place cut flowers in a bucket of water immediately to keep them from wilting before you arrange them in the vase.

    • 4

      Scrape the bottom few inches of the stem to encourage it to take in water, using the scissors. Open the scissor blade and scrape away the outermost later of the stem.

    • 5

      Split the end of the stem by hitting the last inch of it with a hammer. This will further encourage the stem to take in water. The flowers are now ready to be placed in your arrangement.