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How to Grow Orange Mini-Cymbidium Orchids

Orange mini-Cymbidium orchids are suitable for patios and are quite easy to cultivate and care for. These breathtaking orchids usually bloom in the winter months. This makes them a suitable gift for loved ones during the holiday season. The blooms vary in different sizes and can produce about 20 to 30 blooms on one spike; the blooms can last for 2 to 3 months. You can successfully grow your own orange mini-Cymbidium orchids by following some basic guidelines.

Things You'll Need

  • Fertilizer
  • Water
  • Potting mixture
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      Choose orange mini-Cymbidium orchids that are sturdy and have healthy-looking foliage. Check the orchids for signs of insects or diseases. Mealybugs and snails are known to commonly affect Cymbidium orchids. Some signs of disease may include purple ring spots and lines.

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      Provide adequate lighting for your orchids. Put them in an area that is away from the direct midday sunlight, as this prevents the leaves from becoming scorched.

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      Grow your orchids in nighttime temperature of 50 to 60 degrees and 70 to 85 degrees during the daytime. During early fall when the Cymbidium orchids become mature, they need to be kept in temperatures below 60 degrees at night. This helps to start the blooming process.

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      Feed your orchid with a high-nitrogen fertilizer once every two weeks from January to the first week of July. Feed them with low-nitrogen fertilizer starting after the first week of July through the end of December. Water the orchids according to the temperature. For example, during the summer, you need to water them every four to five days. Water the orchid less often if the temperature is cooler.

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      Re-pot your orange mini-Cymbidium orchids once every other year during the spring. The potting mixture should consist of fir tree bark or coconut fiber to allow a free flow of air and water through the pot.