Home Garden

How to Get Your Daisy Bush to Grow Tall

Many types of daisies exist and all of them add color to your garden and home when you use them in floral arrangements. From white to pink to violet, daisies are easy to grow in most United States climate zones (zones 4 though 8 are best). Some varieties of daisies are tall, such as the Michaelmas daisy, which reaches up to four feet. To ensure that your daisy plant grows as tall as possible, choose a tall variety and give it the growing conditions and fertilizer it needs to reach its full potential.

Things You'll Need

  • Compost
  • Shovel
  • Plant stakes
  • Nursery tape
  • Fertilizer
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      Plant your tall daisy variety in an area that receives at least six hours of full sun each day. Well-drained soil is also important to ensure that your daisy will grow as tall as possible. If your soil drains slowly after a rain, dig in organic compost before you plant your daisy. Spread a two-inch layer of compost on top of the soil and dig it in at least eight inches deep.

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      Drive one plant stake into the soil for each plant, locating it about three inches behind the plant. Your stakes should measure six feet long: bury one foot to 18 inches of the stake in the soil to leave sufficient room above for the tall daisy to climb. Tie plants to their stakes every six inches or so as they grow taller to support them, especially when they begin to flower.

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      Fertilize your tall daisy variety with a balanced plant food every other week. Choose a product with equal amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium, such as one rated 14-14-14, which shows the ratios of these nutrients. Follow label instructions for correct mixing and application.