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How Much Will Cabbage Grow in 2 Weeks?

You put a tiny cabbage seed in the soil and nothing happens, at least not for the first few days. Then, a tiny green leaf emerges and your seedling is on its way to maturity. Within the first two weeks, cabbage seeds undergo striking transformation. Cabbage (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) is a cool-season annual ideal for the winter or early spring garden.
  1. Temperature Requirements

    • Cabbage seeds can take less than a week to germinate in the right temperature conditions. Though cabbage seeds will germinate in soil as cool as 45 degrees Fahrenheit and as hot as 95 F, temperatures at either end of the scale slow germination. Ideally, keep cabbage seedlings at 70 to 85 F during germination and make sure the soil stays slightly damp. Within this optimum temperature range, the seeds should germinate within four to seven days. At higher and lower temperatures the seeds take 10 days or longer to germinate.

    First "Seed" Leaves

    • After germination, and within the first two weeks of development, cabbage plants develop seed leaves and a tiny tap root. The seed leaves grow nourished by nutrients stored within the seed. Later in development, as the cabbage seedling develops feeder roots, the second set of leaves emerge. The seed leaves perform the first stages of photosynthesise, supporting root development and early seedling growth. The two heart-shaped seed leaves are followed by the more recognizable round true leaves that follow.

    Starting Seeds Indoors

    • To get your cabbage seeds started, you can either plant them indoors using a seed flat or plant them right out into the garden. Starting seeds indoors often results in faster germination and early seed development because you control the environment. Place the seeds in a warm spot, like a sun porch or high shelf where the temperature remains within the optimum range, or use a heating mat under the seed flat to keep the temperature consistent.

    Starting Seeds Outdoors

    • If you are starting cabbage seeds outdoors, wait until the soil warms to at least 45 F in the spring before planting. Cabbage grows best during cool weather. Plant cabbage as soon as possible in the spring or, if you live in a mild climate with damp cool winters, plant cabbage in the fall and harvest through the winter. Outdoors, in cool soil, the seeds could take up to two weeks to germinate. Plant cabbage seeds 1/2 inch deep.

    Leaf-eating Pests

    • When you start cabbage seeds indoors, generally pests aren't a problem unless you have a lot of other plants, such as in a greenhouse situation. Outdoors, however, insects can wreak havoc on your seedlings in the first two weeks, and through the growing season. Look out for leaf-eaters like cabbage loopers, cutworms and slugs. To get rid of these garden pests, just pick them off the plants and get rid of them.