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How to Grow Sapomiel Melon

Melons of all types grow on long, running climbing vines, with specific requirements for sun, air, moisture and nutrition. Sapomiel melons are small green melons with firm cream-colored flesh and a sweet buttery flavor. These yellow and green melons look like watermelons, but sport a more compact growth habit and shorter maturity dates. Plant them with your summertime garden for bright annual growth and sweet, juicy fall harvests.

Things You'll Need

  • Organic compost
  • Garden fork
  • Fertilizer
  • Stakes
  • Ties
  • Mulch
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      Plant Sapomiel melon seeds or seedlings in mid- to late spring when temperatures rise to 70 degrees F. Melons aren't tolerant of cold or frost. Give the melons 95 days to mature when you plant them as seeds and 73 days to mature when you plant them as transplants.

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      Prepare a site with full sunshine and good air circulation. Set planting sites at every 18 to 24 inches in the row, with 3 to 5 feet between rows for growing and gardening space.

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      Amend the soil in your rows before planting. Make each row 1 to 1 1/2 feet wide to give the melons plenty of nutrition and drainage. Dig 3 to 4 inches of organic compost into the top 8 to 10 inches of soil for rich, moist and loose foundations. Add 5-10-15 granular fertilizer, per manufacturer recommendations, for quick rooting and establishment.

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      Plant Sapomiel melon seeds or seedlings at 18 to 24 inches in your prepared rows. Put a 6- to 8-foot stake behind each planting site to give the vines support as they grow. These melons require upward support for better air and sun exposure.

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      Water each planting site with 2 inches of water a week to keep soil moist, and lay 1 to 2 inches of wood chips, bark, straw or grass clippings over the soil. The mulch eliminates weed growth and keeps soil moist and warm for the melons.