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Michigan Pear Varieties

Pears are a minor crop in Michigan commercial pear production, with approximately 1,000 acres of land in the state planted with the fruit. While many varieties of pear trees are susceptible to fire blight, a disease that affects pear trees in Michigan, the disease can be managed and fire blight resistant varieties are available.
  1. Fire Blight

    • Fire blight is caused by the bacterium Erwinia amylovora. The bacterium enters the tree through its blooms or through wounds. It is a serious disease of pears and can spread rapidly, destroying pear crops. Fire blight can kill a pear tree if left unchecked. Diseased branches should be cut from the tree immediately and destroyed. The best control for fire blight is prevention, which includes spraying the tree with agricultural-grade streptomycin during the spring and following excellent sanitation practices in the orchard. The bacterium is not able to deeply penetrate the wood of fire blight resistant pear varieties.

    USDA Hardiness Zone

    • There are at least four distinct USDA hardiness zones in Michigan. Zones 3b to 5a are represented in the northern part of the state, for instance, while southern Michigan is comprised mostly of zone 5b. When selecting a variety of pear, choose one appropriate for the zone you live in. Bartlett pear, for instance, grows in USDA hardiness zones 5 through 7.


    • Bear in mind that most varieties of pear are not self-fruitful and will require a second variety of pear to serve as a pollinator. The pollinator must be compatible to the variety you are planting. For instance, if you decide you want to plant Bartlett pear, Bosc is a suitable pollinator while Kieffer will not serve as a pollinator for Bartlett. Inquire at the nursery where you purchase the pear tree for suitable pollinator recommendations for the variety you select.


    • Although it is not fire blight resistant, Bartlett is a major variety of pear grown in southern areas of Michigan, with Bosc often used as a pollinator. Fire blight resistant varieties of pear that are suitable for Michigan include Kieffer, Sekel, Harrow Sweet, Harrow Crisp, Moonglow and Flemish Beauty. Varieties of Asian pear with a mild to good fire blight resistance include Ichiban, Shinko, Niitaka, 20th Century, Yoinashi and Shinseiki.