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How to Grow Colossus Peas

Colossus peas are a variety of Southern peas, which are also known as cowpeas, field peas, and crowder peas. The Colossus pea pods can reach lengths of up to 9 1/2 inches within the 60 to 75 day growth timeframe. The peas the plant produces are a deep brown color, and the plant itself is semi-vining. Colossus peas are resistant to fusarium wilt, a common Southern pea plant disease.

Things You'll Need

  • Balanced fertilizer
  • Garden stakes
  • Twist ties
  • Fertilizer tea
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      Select a planting site with soil that has a pH of between 5.8 and 6.5. The site should get a full eight hours of daily sunlight. Select the planting site after the last frost of spring passes, when temperatures are consistently 60 degrees Fahrenheit or higher.

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      Remove all weeds from the planting site. Apply a balanced, all-purpose fertilizer to the soil one week before planting. Follow the directions on the package for application instructions.

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      Insert the seeds into the soil at a depth of 1 to 1 1/2 inches. Space the seeds 2 to 3 inches apart. If you have more than one row, space them 3 feet apart. Water until the soil settles.

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      Wait for the plants to sprout. Continue to water the soil whenever it becomes dried out. Once the plants sprout, remove the smallest ones so there is only one plant every 4 inches. Since the Colossus pea plant is only semi-vining, you do not need to trellis it. You can insert a garden stake into the soil 3 inches from the base of each plant, if you want to keep the vines off the ground for a tidy garden appearance. Once the vines reach the stakes, secure them to the stake with a twist tie.

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      Apply fertilizer tea to the soil around the base of each plant, halfway through your growing season. This will encourage flower formation and seed setting.