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How to Pick Mature Bosc Pears

Bosc pears ripen later in the year than many other pear varieties. They typically become mature enough for harvest in late September or early October, nearly a month later than the early varieties. Bosc is a European pear that doesn't ripen fully on the tree. Pick these cinnamon-colored pears when they are mature but underripe, and allow them to finish maturing after the harvest. The ripened pears have golden flesh that is crisp and sweet.


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      Inspect the pears on the tree daily once they begin to change color. Bosc pears develop a cinnamon-brown color but they may still show some yellow or pale green on the ground side of the fruit.

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      Lift a properly colored, firm-feeling pear to a horizontal position. Push the stem up toward the branch to detach the pear. You can twist the fruit slightly but avoid yanking or pulling the pear. Ripe Bosc pears separate easily, while fruit not quite ready to pick won't detach easily.

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      Store the pears in a 32 to 40 degree Fahrenheit location for three to four weeks. Bosc pears finish ripening off the tree after a period of cold storage.

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      Move the pears to a warm location, about 75 F, after the cold storage period. Bosc pears are ready to eat after seven days of warm storage. The fruit near the stem end gives slightly under gentle pressure once the pear is ripe.