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What Is Needed List to Grow Wheatgrass With No Dirt?

Wheatgrass is a supplement found in many health food stores and juice bars and is purported to have many health benefits. But a tray of fresh wheatgrass or bottle of fresh or frozen wheatgrass juice can get expensive. However, wheatgrass can be grown at home hydroponically and will provide a steady, ultra fresh supply of the plant for a fraction of the cost of store-bought.
  1. Materials

    • To grow wheatgrass hydroponically, one greenhouse tray without drainage holes will be needed. Ideally, look for a tray with a clear plastic lid (sometimes called a humidity tent), but a sheet of plastic cling wrap or other clear plastic can be used. Any garden supply store should have greenhouse trays. Cut a piece of burlap or rough jute fabric to fit inside the tray, or line the tray with unbleached paper towels. Wheatgrass seeds (also called wheat berries) may be purchased in the bulk section of many natural food stores. Make sure the seeds are whole and unprocessed. Optionally, use a spray bottle for watering and apply kelp fertilizer for quicker growth.


    • Soak the wheat berries overnight in water or in kelp fertilizer mixed to package instructions. The next day, line the tray with wet burlap or paper towels and spread the seeds over the lining. About 1-1/2 cups of seeds should cover an 11- by 21-inch tray. Cover the tray with the lid or a loose sheet of plastic to retain moisture. Place the tray in a warm location (about 70 degrees Fahrenheit), either in indirect sunlight or under florescent grow lights. Check the tray daily and water as needed to keep the matting as moist, without standing water. The seeds should sprout in three to five days and will be ready to harvest in about 10 days. Remove the lid or plastic when the wheatgrass is pressing against it.

    Uses for Wheatgrass

    • Harvest wheatgrass by cutting just above the roots with a pair of sharp scissors. Wheatgrass can be processed in a juicer or in a blender with a bit of water, although the solids will need to be strained out. Add wheatgrass juice to smoothies and other drinks. Some cats also love to eat fresh wheatgrass, which is sometimes sold as "cat grass" in pet stores.

    Health Benefits

    • Wheatgrass contains vitamins A, C, E, as well as calcium, potassium and magnesium, writes Melanie Dufault at Vanderbilt University. A 1-ounce serving of wheatgrass juice will supply 10 percent of the daily iron requirement. Wheatgrass adherents claim that it will purify the blood, boost energy, improve immunity and treat a plethora of diseases, but there is little scientific evidence supporting these claims.