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How to Grow Anaheim Chili

Anaheim chili is classified as a hot pepper and most often is used to make chili rellenos, a Mexican food dish. While Anaheim chilies eventually will turn red if left on the plant, they almost always are picked while they are still green. If desired, Anaheim chili pepper plants can be grown from seed. Because the plants grow vertically rather than outward, they can be planted in the ground or in a container.

Things You'll Need

  • Seed tray
  • Potting soil
  • Anaheim pepper seeds
  • Heating mat
  • 5- to 6-inch diameter plant pots
  • Balanced fertilizer (optional)
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    • 1

      Fill a seed tray, either with or without compartments, with sterile potting soil until it is about 75 percent full.

    • 2

      Insert the Anaheim chili seeds on top of the soil, placing one in each compartment or spacing them 1-1/2 inches apart. Add more sterile potting soil to the tray just until the seeds are covered and they no longer are visible.

    • 3

      Water the soil until it drips out of the bottom of the tray and it is damp throughout.

    • 4

      Place the seed tray onto a heating mat and set the thermostat to between 75 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Light is not required for initial germination of the seeds.

    • 5

      Monitor the soil moisture daily, adding more water when needed to prevent the soil from drying out. The seeds will germinate between three days and three weeks.

    • 6

      Move the seed tray to a south-facing window that receives four to six hours of sunlight per day as soon as they break through the surface of the soil.

    • 7

      Transplant the seedlings into 5- to 6-inch diameter plant pots filled with potting soil when they develop two sets of leaves each. Plant each seedling only as deep as the roots. If desired, the seedlings can be planted in the ground in a location that drains well and receives full sunlight.