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How Much Time Does it Take for a Watermelon to Be Ready to Pick?

Harvest a watermelon at the peak of ripeness so you can enjoy the juicy, red-fleshed fruit. This sweet summer treat is ready for picking at different times based on the variety as well as other growing factors. Knowing how to give your watermelon plants the best start also helps you to reduce the growing time.
  1. Harvesting Times

    • Specific watermelon varieties vary in time from the planting date to the harvest time. Some varieties, such as golden crown and yellow doll, are early harvesters and typically are ready for picking within 70 to 75 days. Regular season varieties including crimson sweet and Madera are ready within 80 to 85 days. Seedless varieties, such as the hybrids queen of hearts and Tiffany, are ready for harvest in 80 to 85 days.

    Temperature Factors

    • Because watermelons are a warm-season fruit, the warmer weather is what encourages the melons to grow consistently. They do best in Southern climates where the warmer season is longer. People in the Northern climates can choose early varieties or start with transplants to reduce the growing time. Placing a layer of black plastic underneath the watermelon plants can also reduce the growing time by warming the soil.

    Ripeness Indicators

    • Watermelons are ready to pick when the stem and tendrils start to curl, brown and dry. The surface color should turn dull, while the part of the watermelon sitting on the ground should turn from green to yellow. The watermelon skin should feel rough. If you thump on the watermelon with your knuckles, it may sound hollow after the watermelon is ripened.

    Other Suggestions

    • For the best growth, wait to plant watermelon seeds or plants until the soil is warm, after any chance of frost is past. Watermelon plants grow best when they are planted in a sandy loam soil. The plants require plenty of space to grow; space seeds 6 feet apart with 7 to 10 feet between rows.