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Germination & Maturity of Fatalii Peppers

If you like your peppers extremely hot, consider growing Fatalii peppers. One of the hottest pepper varieties, a Fatalii pepper generally measures 250,000 or more on the Scoville Scale, a laboratory method of measuring the heat in chili peppers. This places Fatalii among the top 10 when it comes to heat. The Fatalii chili plant grows from 2 to 4 feet in height and bears green peppers. As the peppers mature, they grow to 3 inches long and turn a bright shade of yellow.
  1. Timing

    • To get a head start on the season, start your Fatalii seeds indoors eight to 10 weeks before the last frost. It is important not to plant them earlier because the seedlings have a tendency to become leggy in their search for more space and sunshine. The seeds generally germinate between two weeks and one month after sowing, but may take as long as 40 days.


    • Use a nursery flat or small pots to germinate the Fatalii seeds. Ensure whatever container you use contains holes in the bottom for good drainage. Fill the germination container with a quality seed-starting mix and moisten it thoroughly before sowing the chili seeds. Lay the seeds on the surface of the mix and sprinkle a 1/4-inch layer of sand over their tops. The seeds need warm soil in which to germinate, so place the container on a heat mat set to between 80 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit. Keep the soil moist during germination.


    • After germination, move the seedlings into an area where they receive full sun. A south-facing window is an ideal location. Allow the surface of the soil to dry before watering again to avoid damping off, a fungal disease of seeds and seedlings, and to make the chilis hotter. Harden them off before placing them in the garden. Hardening off is the process of gradually introducing the tender seedlings to a new environment. Take them outdoors on the first warm day and leave them in a sunny spot for one to two hours before bringing them indoors again. Gradually increase the time they spend outdoors over the course of a week and then transplant them into the garden.


    • If temperatures rise over 95 degrees Fahrenheit, the plant may drop its flowers, reducing your yield. A mature Fatalii pepper is golden yellow in color. Watch the peppers as they begin to turn color and harvest them three days after they reach a golden tone; peppers that remain on the plant after maturity tend to lose their heat. Wear gloves when harvesting the fruit to avoid getting the oil on your skin and use a sharp knife or shears to cut the pepper so that it has 1 inch of stem.