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Can You Grow Pea Shoots in a Seed Sprouter?

Pea shoots are young leaves and tendrils of pea plants. These shoots are a type of leafy green vegetable, which means that they are loaded with nutritional value. Pea shoots are versatile, able to be eaten both cooked and raw in salads, soups, stir-fries or as a side on their own. While pea shoots may be purchased in stores or farmer's markets, it is simple to grow your own at home using a seed sprouter and a little growing medium.
  1. Sprouting

    • While pea shoots themselves grow best in soil or similar growing mediums, the shoots benefit from an initial sprouting in a seed sprouter. Pour peas and cool, clean water into the sprouter at a ratio of 1 part peas to 3 parts water. For example, 1/3 cup of peas would use 1 cup water to successfully sprout. Gently mix the seeds to make sure they all receive contact with the water. Place the sprouter in a well-lit spot (never in direct sunlight) and allow the seeds to soak for 8 to 12 hours. Drain the water and rinse the seeds in more clean, cool water, allowing them to drain completely. Place the sprouter with seeds back into the well-lit location and repeat the drain/rinse/rest period up to 3 more times until the peas have developed 1/8-inch sprouts.

    Growing Medium

    • Once the peas have sprouts, they need to be planted in order to develop into true pea shoots. Regular, well-drained potting mix is acceptable for pea-shoot growing. However, there are alternatives to regular soil, such as growing pads made of fertilizer and biodegradable materials, vermiculite or perlite. These mediums are less messy than soil and retain moisture exceptionally well. Line a growing tray with the medium you like best, then plant your freshly sprouted peas inside the prepared tray.

    Light and Heat

    • Keep light to a minimum to decrease the chance of mold growth. Place the tray in a low-light room and cover it with another tray. This helps keep excessive light out, while keeping moisture and some heat in. While heat is not a huge factor at this point either, do not allow the sprouts to become too cold. Simply make sure the room you place them in maintains a consistent room temperature to keep the sprouts healthy while they develop into shoots.


    • Water is essential in growing healthy pea shoots. Too much water, though, results in a soggy, moldy mess. The key is to water lightly once or twice daily, depending on how much the growing medium dries out. Keep the growing medium moist, never soggy, damp or muddy (in the case of potting mix). The roots of the pea sprouts use that moisture to develop into pea shoots, so keep an eye on your sprouts as they grow and make sure the medium stays moist. With proper watering, pea shoots should reach a height of 2 to 4 inches and be ready to harvest.