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How to Take Care of Papayas

Papaya trees grow in tropical and subtropical areas where temperatures rarely drop below 70 degrees Fahrenheit, and the trees cannot tolerate any freezing. They produce a large fruit that is used as both a vegetable and a sweet fruit, depending on when you harvest it. Papayas don't produce branches, but instead have large fans of leaves that grow from a bud at the top of the trunk similar to a palm tree. The fruits develop as a cluster beneath the canopy of leaves.

Things You'll Need

  • Fertilizer
  • Mulch
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      Grow papaya trees in soil that drains well and in an area protected from high winds. Wet soils and those prone to standing water cause root rot on the shallow roots of the papaya tree. Papayas tolerate most types of soil as long as they drain well.

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      Water papayas often enough that the soil remains moist but doesn't become soggy. Irrigate trees in sandy soils every other day during the spring and summer, providing enough water to moisten the top 18 inches of soil. Water papayas in moister soils once every 4 to 6 days so the soil remains moist.

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      Fertilize newly planted papayas every 2 weeks with one quarter pound of a 21-0-0 fertilizer blend. Reduce fertilization to every 2 months once trees become established at 8 months of age, applying between 1 and 2 pounds of a complete fertilizer blend.

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      Weed the area around the papaya tree to prevent the weeds from competing with the shallow roots of the tree. Spread a 2-inch layer of mulch over the soil beneath the canopy of the tree to inhibit weed growth and to prevent the soil from drying out. Leave an 8 inch space between the mulch and the papaya trunk to prevent trunk rot from the moisture held within the mulch layer.

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      Harvest papayas as they ripen on the tree. Pick the full-sized green fruits to use as a vegetable, or wait to harvest until after the papayas develop a yellow color on a third of their surface if you prefer to use them as a fruit.