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My Zinnias Look Diseased

If zinnias look diseased, they probably are. Diseases cause discoloration, wilting and even death if left untreated. In early stages, diseases on zinnia plants may look like harmless spots. But what you might think is dust could be a fatal, extremely damaging disease that could destroy your entire crop of zinnia flowers.
  1. Powdery Mildew

    • Powdery mildew is a common disease of many garden plants and flowers, including zinnias. As the name implies, powdery mildew makes leaves look as though they're covered with small, gray-white spots. The spots look like small blotches of powder in early stages. As the disease progresses, the spots turn brownish and then black. Powdery mildew will affect foliage, flowers and stems. Young, new growth is affected by powdery mildew more strongly than mature growth.

    Bacterial Leaf Spot

    • Bacterial leaf spot is another damaging disease of zinnias. In early stages, the disease looks like small spots ringed in yellow. The spots become larger and more irregular over time. In wet conditions, the disease may spread to flowers, appearing as brown spots on the petals. If left unchecked, bacterial leaf spot may turn blossoms, leaves and stems brown and unattractive. The disease will spread among zinnias if left unchecked.

    Cercospora Leaf Spot

    • Cercospora Leaf Spot is caused by the Cercospora zinniae fungus. The fungus creates reddish-brown to deep purple spots with grayish or white centers on leaves. As the disease worsens, the center of the spot will be eaten away by the disease and disappear, leaving a hole in the leaf. Leaves may wilt and drop from the plant when damage is severe. As defoliation worsens, the zinnia blossom may wither and die.


    • Proper planting prevents zinnia diseases. The flowers should be planted in partial shade to full sun. Very shady conditions favor fungal growth that damages zinnias. Space zinnias 1 1/2 to 2 feet apart to allow for air circulation between each plant. Because fungal diseases thrive in wet conditions, good air circulation is important. Keep flowerbeds clean, free of debris and weeds, where fungus may hide. Most fungal diseases may be controlled with fungicide. Treat young zinnias while they are still seedlings to prevent fungal growth. When disease is present in zinnias, remove all affected plants and dispose of them immediately to prevent spread.