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How to Plant PostRock Wheat

PostRock wheat is a hard red winter wheat variety patented by AgriPro. The wheat grows successfully in the Midwest, parts of Washington state and southward to Texas. Red winter wheat makes excellent flour for bread and other baked goods, and a small plot planted with a few pounds of seed should yield enough grain for an entire family. Try planting PostRock wheat as a cover crop in an area of the garden that is "resting" from previous vegetable crops to help prevent erosion. PostRock is resistant to some rusts and mosaic virus. Plant in the fall, six to eight weeks before the soil freezes.

Things You'll Need

  • Tiller or shovel
  • Bow or garden rake
  • Certified seed
  • Broadcast spreader (optional)
  • Water
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      Use the tiller or garden shovel to turn and aerate the soil at the planting site. Break up dirt clods by hand or with the shovel. Rake out or hand-pick weeds and rocks that turn up and remove them from the planting site, then use the flat edge of the rake to smooth the soil.

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      Broadcast the seeds over the prepared planting site by hand or with a mechanical wheeled or handheld seed spreader. PostRock seeds are relatively large and easy to spread. A spreader produces more evenly spaced seeds.

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      Rake the plot to cover the seeds with soil. Cover PostRock wheat seeds 1/4 inch to 2 1/2 inches deep. Some seeds may remain on the surface of the garden plot. You can either cover those seeds with a scant handful of soil or ignore them.

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      Water the planting bed until it is moist, but not soaked. Keep the plants watered, especially during periods of drought, but do not let the roots stay wet or they will rot.