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How Often Should You Water New Mango Seeds?

The mango is a fruit that is popular around the world. There are two main types: the highly-colored fruits are Indian mangoes, and the green, light green or yellow ones are the Indochinese type. Within each fruit is a large, single seed encased in a woody husk. It is relatively easy to sprout these seeds.
  1. Sprouting Mango Seeds

    • Mangoes grow best in a warm, humid environment. After scraping the flesh from the seed husk, allow it to dry for one or two days, then place it in a 3-inch pot with compost in a warm place. Several seedlings should sprout. Cut off all but one. If growing for fruit, leave the smallest one, as this is supposed to give the best fruit. Alternatively, carefully break open the husk and take out the small beans inside. Only the white ones are viable. Sprout these either in the same way as the husk or plant directly into the ground, making sure to keep them moist.

    Watering Mango Seedlings

    • Newly-sprouted mango seeds require regular watering so that their compost never dries out. Depending on the the size of the seedling and the temperature, this can mean watering once a day to once every four or five days. It is possible to kill seedlings by over-watering, so always allow the pot to drain and do not water excessively so that the compost becomes soggy.

    Growing for Fruit

    • In some areas of the U.S., where the winters are frost-free, it is possible to grow mangoes outdoors as fruiting trees. To do this, it is important to select the right type of seed. According to Jonathan H. Crane and other scientists of the Tropical Research and Education Center, Indian mangoes have seed that contains genes from both parents, and it is not possible to predict the quality of tree that the seed will produce. The seed of the Indochinese type of mango is usually genetically identical to the tree it grew on. In other words, the daughter tree will produce similar fruit to its mother.

    Growing Indoors

    • Mangoes are vigorous trees that can grow up to 100 feet tall. It is not possible to grow mangoes grown from seed as permanent indoor plants because they will quickly outgrow their living space. They also need full sunlight to grow well. You can buy dwarf varieties in pots that can live inside during the winter months. Put the pots outside for the summer so that the plants can benefit from long hours of sunlight.