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Pumpkins That Are Gray

Numerous types of pumpkins are cultivated for ornamentation and for eating. Some heirloom pumpkins produce fruit with variegated color patterns of green, orange and yellow while other pumpkins maintain a solid, bright orange tone. Other pumpkin vines yield white pumpkins. These pumpkins may take on a grayish cast while growing. On other pumpkins a gray cast may be indicative of a mold or wilt disease.
  1. White Pumpkins

    • Ornamental pumpkins are grown and sold in a range of sizes, shapes and colors. Pumpkins with names like Jackpot and Spirit are the large, bright orange pumpkins normally associated with jack o' lanterns and Halloween decor. Other pumpkins, like Lumina and Baby Boo, are white pumpkins. These pumpkin types are also used in Halloween decoration. While on the vine, these pumpkins start out in shades of light green and gradually whiten as they mature. During the maturation stage they may occasionally present a grayish cast, but the pumpkins are white.

    Michrodochium Blight

    • Michodochium blight is another fungal disease that causes discoloration to pumpkin fruit. Small white to tan legions join to form larger spots of discolor that can cause a mottled grayish green appearance. Pumpkins growing in warm, wet environments are more prone to this disease than those in cool, well-draining, non-humid conditions. Fungicides that have proven effective on black rot are also suited for controlling michodochium blight.

    Phytophthora Blight

    • Phytophthora blight is a fungal infection that attacks pumpkins, squash, tomatoes and other garden vegetables. The fungal spores remain in soil for many years. Damp weather and poor soil drainage encourages spore growth, and the spores mature and feed off crops. Pumpkins infected with phytophthora blight appear spotted; the fungus is white to gray in color and appears in patches on the surface of mature pumpkins. In extreme cases the entire fruit may be encased in the fungus. Fungicides are capable of decreasing the damage when applied early on during the infection. Successful methods of avoiding phytophthora blight is to let diseased soil lay fallow for a period before replanting with pumpkins.


    • Discolored pumpkins are the result of viral, fungal and bacterial infections. Chemical control is necessary to reduce damage to crops. Other reasons for discoloration include insect damage, particularly mites, and genetic conditions. Purchase disease resistant seeds from reputable sources. Saving seeds from one season to the next may increase the risk of disease spread from one generation to the next. Saved seeds do not always grow true to the mother plant so expect some difference between generations in both color and shape as well as size.