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Nectarines & Companion Planting

Nectarine trees are pretty ornamentals, but they are best-known for the edible fruits they produce. The tree flowers in spring, producing fruits in the mid- to late summer. Grow nectarines in well-drained soil to keep trees healthy against disease and pest attacks. Like all fruit trees, nectarines are attractive to many pests. Companion planting helps deter pests, enrich soil and boost the health of your nectarine trees.
  1. Cultivation

    • Nectarine trees grow in a variety of soil types, but they must have well-drained medium. Ideally, nectarine trees should be planted in soil with a pH from 6 to 7. For best fruiting, plant the tree in full sunlight. Nectarine trees take two to three years to bear fruit after planting. Proper cultivation helps the tree remain healthy, keeping it naturally resistant to pests and disease. Companion planting may be used to enrich the soil where nectarines grow and prevent damaging pests attacks.

    Pest-Killing Companions

    • Lavender, daisies, rosemary and fennel are all aromatic and attractive plants that make good companions to nectarines. The plants encourage predatory insects like hover flies and lacewings, which feed on mites and aphids that may attempt to damage your trees. Good companion planting isn't about simply repelling pests but about drawing those insects that will diminish the undesirable insects.

    Pest-Repelling Companions

    • Tansy keeps flies, moths and ants away from your nectarine trees. Plant the flowers under your trees to take advantage of their pest-repelling properties. The leaves of tansy assist in the fermentation of compost, which further aids your tree. Marigolds are well-known as pest-repelling plants. Plant them near nectarines to eliminate harmful nematodes. Garlic prevents damaging borers from taking interest in your nectarines. Nasturtium flowers keep whiteflies and squash bugs away from your nectarine trees. Plant nasturtium in a circle around the base of the tree to keep woolly aphids away.

    Environmental Companions

    • Some companion plants will improve the environment where nectarines are planted. Comfrey is a natural compost activator and nutrient miner that will improve soil quality around nectarine trees. Tall grasses, when planted between trees, help prevent erosion and improve water penetration into the soil. Grass also prevents and impedes weeds, which will sap nutrients from your nectarines.