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How to Grow Saint Valery Carrots

Saint Valery is one cultivar name for an heirloom variety of carrot also known as James Scarlet. The cultivar has been widely cultivated since the late 19th century for its high level of productivity and attractiveness of its edible roots, which are large, well formed and deep reddish-orange. Like most cold-weather crops, Saint Valery carrots grow best when sown directly in the garden in early spring before the last frost. The roots will be ready for harvest in about three months.

Things You'll Need

  • Rotary tiller
  • Coarse sand
  • Compost
  • 30 percent shade cloth
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    • 1

      Select a planting site for the Saint Valery carrots in early spring approximately a month before the last frost. Choose a site with excellent drainage and full sun.

    • 2

      Till the soil using a rotary tiller set to cultivate to a depth of 12 inches. Spread a 2-inch-thick layer of coarse sand and a 3-inch layer of compost over the bed. Incorporate the amendments into the bed with the tiller.

    • 3

      Water the bed thoroughly to settle the soil. Let the water drain off for 30 to 45 minutes before sowing Saint Valery carrot seeds.

    • 4

      Sow seeds down the row a half-inch apart and a quarter-inch deep. Space the rows at least 16 inches apart.

    • 5

      Water the seeds every three to five days. Maintain moisture at a 2-inch depth during the germination process.

    • 6

      Watch for germination in 10 to 14 days. Thin seedlings to one every 4 inches as soon as a pair of mature, feathery leaves appears.

    • 7

      Hang 30 percent shade cloth over the Saint Valery carrots as soon as the weather warms to 75 degrees Fahrenheit or higher during the day.

    • 8

      Harvest the carrots approximately 90 days after sowing. Wait until the tops of the roots appear solid reddish-orange before harvesting.