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How to Grow Radish Sprouts Vertically

Radish sprouts have the same crisp, spicy flavor as their adult form. They are also quite nutritious. Radish sprouts carry a whopping 35 percent protein by weight and are high in vitamins, minerals and chlorophyll. Plus they’re easy to grow indoors. Sprout them vertically to save on space. Care for them regularly and they'll be ready to eat in three to six days.

Things You'll Need

  • Bowl
  • Sprouting tray
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    • 1

      Place the radish seeds in a large bowl.

    • 2

      Cover the seeds with two to three times their volume in room-temperature water. Sift and stir the seeds around with your hand. Push down any floaters with your fingers. Leave the seeds to soak for eight hours.

    • 3

      Pour off the soak water and place the seeds in the sprouting tray. Feel free to cover the bottom with seeds so that there is little space between each one. Don't add so many seeds that they overlap.

    • 4

      Rinse the seeds with high-pressure room temperature water from the faucet. The pressure helps to clean and aerate the seeds. And, as they sprout it will help their roots to loosen and spread.

    • 5

      Place the tray in a room-temperature spot where they will receive indirect sunlight.

    • 6

      Rinse and drain your seeds every eight hours for the duration of the sprouting. Pour high-pressure water into the tray over the seeds, allow them to drain and replace them in their usual growing spot. Around day three, your radish seeds will begin to sprout fine root hairs that look like mold. As the roots grow, they will clump together. At each rinsing, loosen the roots carefully with your fingers to disentangle them from their neighbors the best you can.

    • 7

      Keep an eye out for sprouts. If your radish seeds have not sprouted by the end of the fourth night, move them into brighter but still indirect sunlight.

    • 8

      Remove the radish seed’s partially-open hull on the fifth or sixth day when the sprouts have open leaves. The sprouts are now just about ready to eat.

    • 9

      Place the de-hulled sprouts in a bowl. Fill it with water equal to four times the volume of the sprouts. Stir the sprouts around with your fingers. Drain the water.

    • 10

      Place the sprouts back in the sprouter. Rinse and drain them one final time.

    • 11

      Leave the sprouts out to dry for 12 hours.