Home Garden

How to Grow Rice at Home

Rice is a well-known staple in the pantry and is easy to grow at home. The simplest way to grow your own rice is to grow the plants in buckets so you do not have to flood your garden beds and deal with drainage issues. Rice needs constantly wet soil to thrive, and container growing allows you to control that element of the process. You can plant organic brown rice from the grocery store. White rice will not grow, because it is processed.

Things You'll Need

  • Bucket
  • Potting soil
  • Organic long-grain brown rice
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      Fill the bucket with 6 inches of potting soil. Do not use a bucket or plant pot that has drainage holes. Add water until the water stands 2 inches above the soil level.

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      Move the bucket to a spot that gets full sun and maintains a temperature of 70 degrees F or higher. Add 1/4 cup of long-grain organic brown rice to the bucket. Sprinkle it over the water evenly. The grains will sink to the soil level.

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      Maintain the water at 2 inches above the soil level. Once the plants germinate and reach 5 inches tall, increase the water level to 4 inches above the soil.

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      Stop adding water to the bucket. Let the 4 inches of water evaporate naturally. Once the standing water evaporates, the rice should be a golden brown color and ready for harvest. The process will usually take about four months.

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      Dump out any remaining standing water. Cut the rice at the soil level to harvest.