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How to Grow Broccoli Di Cicco

Broccoli di Ciccio is an old style broccoli from Italy. It is a loose-type broccoli that forms small heads. It is similar in appearance to a broccoli rabe, except that it has small florets. The vegetable offers good flavor and color, and all its parts from florets to stems and leaves are edible. Broccoli thrives in full sun but needs moderate temperatures. Planting a spring or fall crop is possible, but the plant bolts or goes to seed in the summer's hot temperatures. Di Ciccio is generally planted by seed or starts in moist, well-draining soil. Numerous pests also find the plant delicious, so protection with a row cover is recommended reducing their effects.

Things You'll Need

  • Tiller
  • Compost
  • Sand
  • Rake
  • Broccoli di Ciccio seeds
  • Water
  • Stakes
  • Twine
  • Row cover fabric
  • Scissors
  • Organic mulch
  • Pruners
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      Prepare a planting bed in a sunny location. Till the soil as soon as it is workable. Work in 5 inches of compost for adding organic nutrients to the bed. Adding 2 to 3 inches of sand increases drainage.

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      Rake the bed smooth and remove any weeds, rocks or other obstructions. Seed the broccoli in the late spring. Plant seeds 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep. Then seeds germinate within a week in soil temperatures of at least 70 degrees Fahrenheit. It takes longer in cooler soil.

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      Water sparingly until the seeds germinate. Thereafter, keep soil evenly moist but not soggy down to at least 6 inches. Thin the seedlings 18 to 24 inches apart.

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      Spreading a row cover over the seedlings protects them from flying insects that may severely damage the leaves and plant vigor. Cut a piece of fabric large enough to go lightly over the plants and stake it at the edges. Tie it down to the stakes with twine. Place the stakes every 3 or 4 feet apart and at the ends.

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      Lift the row covers and apply organic mulch when seedling are 6 to 8 inches high. This keeps moisture in the soil, helps prevent weeds and gradually leaches nutrients into the soil. Spread 3 inches around the base of the plants, leaving 1/2 inch at the stem uncovered to prevent rotting.

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      Harvest broccoli by cutting off the heads and stems. Cut to just above a new bump or floret where a stem forms. This keeps the broccoli producing longer. Reseed the bed every two weeks for a constant supply of the vegetable.