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How to Germinate Bolivian Rainbow Pepper Seeds

The Bolivian rainbow pepper plant, true to its name, bears brightly colored purple peppers that turn yellow, orange and red. These zesty peppers liven up the ornamental garden and, when harvested, they add spice and color to meals. Bolivian peppers enjoy hot weather, and seeds only germinate when the weather is warm. With the right temperature and a humid environment, your seeds will germinate and give you an abundant yield of spicy, colorful Bolivian peppers to enjoy.

Things You'll Need

  • Seed tray, any size
  • Potting soil
  • Plastic wrap
  • Kelp fertilizer (optional)
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    • 1

      Add potting soil to a seed-starting tray. Sprinkle Bolivian pepper seeds on the surface of the soil. Cover the pepper seeds with a 1/4-inch layer of soil.

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      Spray the soil with a gentle mist of water. Add kelp fertilizer to the soil, if desired. Cover the tray with plastic wrap to increase humidity and warmth.

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      Put the tray where temperatures reach between 70 and 75 degrees Fahrenheit, ideally outdoors in a sunny location. If it is too cold outdoors, set the tray on top of your refrigerator or on a sunny windowsill.

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      Check the tray every few days and add water to dry soil. Bolivian pepper seeds take between seven and 14 days to germinate.