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I'm Having Trouble Getting Hungarian Hot Wax Pepper Seeds to Germinate

If harvested early, the Hungarian wax pepper has a sweet flavor with only a small kick of spice. Left on the plant, these yellow-fleshed peppers become hotter than jalapenos. To grow Hungarian peppers, start the seeds indoors in late winter. A few issues might give you trouble getting your seeds to germinate. Once these issues are addressed, the seeds should sprout and grow with vigor.
  1. Too Cold

    • Peppers, including the Hungarian wax pepper, are warm weather plants. If the soil is cool, the seeds will take over three weeks to germinate. The longer the seeds are in the soil, the greater chance they will rot. The optimal soil temperature to sprout Hungarian pepper seeds is 70 to 75 degrees. If you don't have an area in your home that stays that warm, keep your seed tray or pots on a seed-starting heat mat to maintain the soil warmth.

    Proper Watering

    • Seeds need to absorb water to begin the process of germination. If you allow the soil to dry, the seeds won't be able to take in enough moisture to sprout. On the other side, if the soil remains soggy, the seeds will rot. To improve the germination rate of your wax peppers, keep the soil moist, but not wet, by misting the soil with a spray bottle twice a day.

    Old Seeds

    • Hungarian wax pepper seeds will keep for two years. Seeds older than two years are less likely to germinate because the enzymes that signal the seed to start growing begin to break down. Older seeds are also more likely to carry molds that have rotted the seed even if the seed does not appear bad. For the highest germination rate, only buy seeds that have a date on the label that is no more than two years old.

    Soil Problems

    • Hungarian wax pepper seeds sprout best in fresh, loose soil. When planting seeds, never use soil from the garden, especially if you have clay soil. Clay soil will retain too much water and cause seeds to rot; garden soil may carry organisms that can damage the seeds or the seedlings. Instead, purchase a soil mix specifically intended for starting seeds or a good quality potting soil.