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How to Get Chayote to Sprout

Chayote, a pear-shaped squash with a very mild flavor, is native to the warm climate of Mexico. Most squash seeds germinate in the soil, but chayote seeds only germinate while still inside the fruit. To encourage the germinated seed to produce a sprout, keep the chayote fruit in a dark and cool place. When a sprout emerges, you are ready to plant the entire chayote fruit in your garden, where it develops into a fast-growing vine.

Things You'll Need

  • Container
  • Potting soil
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    • 1

      Purchase several chayote fruits from a market in late autumn. Refrigerated chayote fruits are acceptable; they germinate and sprout as well as room-temperature chayote.

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      Put the chayote fruits in a dark, cool place, such as a pantry or closet. Check the chayote fruits in a few months. Keep the chayote with long sprouts emerging from the tip; discard those that did not sprout.

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      Place a sprouting chayote in a container with the sprouted tip facing up. Fill the container with soil.

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      Set the chayote in a warm, sunny spot and water it when the soil feels dry. If temperatures are below freezing, keep the chayote indoors until the frost passes. After the frost, plant the chayote outdoors.