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How to Hydroponically Grow a Cherry Tree

The main challenge of growing a cherry tree in a hydroponic system is that the size of the container needs to be large enough to support the tree. Once the tree is settled into a container of adequate size, a simple ebb and flow hydroponic system will provide plenty of nutrients for the tree to grow and produce fruit.

Things You'll Need

  • Large tub or barrel, food-grade plastic
  • Drill with 1/2-inch drill bit
  • Cement blocks
  • 2 pieces hose, 1/2-inch
  • Silicone sealant, food-grade
  • Pea gravel
  • Large plastic bin, food-grade
  • Submersible pump
  • Nutrient solution for hydroponics
  • 2 hose clips
  • Digital timer
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    • 1

      Drill a 1/2-inch hole in the bottom of the large plastic tub. Fit one end of a 1/2-inch hose into the hole. Seal around it with food-grade silicone to make a drain. Allow it to dry overnight.

    • 2

      Place the tub in suitable location, setting it securely up on blocks or another stable platform so that it is raised by at least 18 inches to allow for drainage. Cherry trees require a lot of light, so an outdoor location, such as on a patio or sturdy deck, is a good choice.

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      Fill the tub with clean pea gravel. This medium will provide adequate support for the tree and does not interfere with the hydroponic process. Carefully plant a bare root cherry tree into the gravel.

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      Put a bin on the ground next to the tub. This is the reservoir for the hydroponic nutrient solution and should be large enough to hold an adequate supply. You need enough liquid to fill the tub to within 3 inches of the top of the gravel with nutrient solution.

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      Attach the second section of hose to the outlet on the submersible pump. Place the pump in the bin. Fill the bin with nutrient solution.

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      Guide the drain hose into the reservoir bin and use a hose clip to hold it in place. Arrange the hose from the submersible pump so that it goes into the tub near the tree, but it should not put liquid directly on the tree. Clip the hose in place.

    • 7

      Set the timer to run just long enough to pump the solution from the bin into the tub. The liquid will drain back into the reservoir during the off cycle. This cycle must repeat four times each day. Plug the pump into the timer and the timer into power to complete the setup.