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How to Build a Wheatgrass Sprouter

Juice extracted from actively growing young wheatgrass is a source of vitamins, minerals and nutrients. The juice has 70 percent chlorophyll and 92 minerals, plus vitamins B, C, E, H, and K. In addition, it contains beta carotene, beneficial enzymes, and 19 different amino acids. Wheatgrass juice is best drunk right after extraction from the leaves. People who want absolutely fresh wheatgrass for juice extraction can sprout seeds at home. Many different kinds of commercial wheatgrass sprouters are available, but you can build a sprouter yourself from plastic trays.

Things You'll Need

  • Three plastic growing trays 10 inches wide, 14 inches long, and 2 inches deep
  • Bleach solution, 10 percent
  • Electric drill
  • Drill bit, 1/2 inch
  • Pine board, 1-by-2
  • Saw
  • Potting soil
  • Peat moss
  • Water
  • Watering can
  • Misting bottle
  • Mason jar, 1 quart
  • Nylon netting
  • Heavy rubber band
  • Dish drainer
  • Scissors
  • Sharp knife (optional)
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  1. Prepare Trays

    • 1

      Wash the trays in 10-percent bleach solution. Rinse and let them dry.

    • 2

      Drill two rows of three holes down each side of the bottom of one of the trays. Use an electric drill equipped with a 1/2-inch drill bit.

    • 3

      Cut three 9-inch pieces from a 1-by-2 pine board using a saw. Place the wood pieces in a second plastic tray, one on each end and one in the middle of the tray.

    • 4

      Place the drilled tray into the tray with wood spacers so that the second tray is held off the bottom, creating a space for excess water to drain.

    • 5

      Fill the drilled tray with a 1-1/2 inch layer of well-mixed equal amounts of soil-less potting mix and peat moss.

    Grow Wheatgrass

    • 6
      Soak wheat seeds overnight to begin germination.

      Put 1 cup of hard red winter wheat seeds in a 1-quart mason jar. Add 2 cups of water. Put a piece of nylon netting over the jar top and hold it in place with a heavy rubber band. Soak the seeds overnight. Empty out the water and rinse the seeds through the nylon net under running water.

    • 7

      Invert the jar at a 45-degree angle in a dish drainer for another 12 hours. Inspect the seeds to make sure the white roots are beginning to emerge. Spread the seeds evenly on top of the growing medium, pressing them in place.

    • 8

      Water the tray so it is evenly moist but not soggy. Cover the wheatgrass tray with the third inverted plastic growing tray to block light.

    • 9
      Water the growing seeds daily.

      Check the germinating seeds during the next four days, uncovering them just long enough to water and/or mist the seeds each day. Keep them evenly moist.

    • 10

      Remove the covering tray on the fourth day. Place the growing wheatgrass in bright indirect light. Water and/or mist it daily. Grow it for seven to 10 days, until the grass is about 8 inches tall.

    • 11
      Wheatgrass is ready to be harvested and juiced.

      Cut the grass close to the soil line with scissors or a sharp knife, and extract the juice immediately after harvest.