Home Garden

When Do I Plant Corn in Indiana?

Corn is a favorite crop among home gardeners in Indiana and can provide produce throughout the season if planted correctly. Seeds should be planted no sooner than 10 days to two weeks after the last killing frost.
  1. Planting Corn

    • Corn requires warm soil temperatures in order to germinate. A standard guideline is to plant seeds when the morning soil temperature at a two-inch soil depth is 55 degrees Fahrenheit, or 50 degrees Fahrenheit at a six-inch depth.

    Indiana Prime Planting Window

    • According to Purdue University's Department of Agronomy, the prime planting window for corn in Indiana falls between April 20 and May 10. It opens about a week later for northern Indiana counties, and about a week earlier for southern Indiana counties.

    Continuous Supply

    • To ensure a continuous supply of corn throughout the summer, plant an early variety that matures in 60 to 80 days, a mid-season variety that matures in 70 to 90 days and a late-season variety that matures in 90+ days in the first planting. Make a second planting and successive plantings of late-season varieties when three to four leaves appear on the seedlings of previous plantings.