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How to Dry or Cure Popcorn

Popcorn requires preparation between the garden and kitchen to ensure successful popping. Though the kernels reach full maturity and become hard while still on the plant, they still contain too much moisture at the time of harvest. Overly moist kernels pop poorly, and the resulting popcorn has a chewy texture and less than optimal flavor. Popcorn that undergoes too long of a curing process has no moisture in the kernels, which prevents them from popping.

Things You'll Need

  • Knife
  • Mesh bag
  • Airtight container
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    • 1

      Harvest the popcorn after the husks dry completely and when the kernels no longer dent when you press your fingernail into them. Cut each cob off the stalk with a sharp knife.

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      Shuck the ears by peeling off the outer husks, leaving the cobs bare. Run your hand down the length of each cob, removing any remaining silk strings.

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      Place 3 to 5 cobs in a mesh bag. Hang the bag to cure in a well-ventilated room with a temperature above 75 degrees Fahrenheit. Cure the cobs for 2 to 3 weeks.

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      Grasp a cob in both your hands. Twist your hands in opposite directions to loosen the kernels. Run your hand down the length of the cob, separating the kernels from the cob.

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      Place the popcorn kernels in an airtight container. Label the container with the harvest year. Store the popcorn in a dry storage room out of direct light for up to 4 years.