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How to Store Corn Without Weevils

The corn weevil, a tiny flying beetle, is one of the greatest threats to a corn farmer's yield. It can infest corn while still on the stalk in the field, after it's been spilled on the ground or when it's stored in a bin for later use. Knowing how to store your corn correctly -- and when -- is imperative to minimizing the number of weevils spoiling your crop.

Things You'll Need

  • Clean, sealed storage bin
  • Region-approved pesticide (optional)
  • Caulk
  • Fine screening
  • Carpenter's nails
  • Hammer
  • Broom
  • Mop
  • Dish soap
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      Remove all old corn kernels from your storage bin with a broom. The older the kernels in the bin, the better home for corn weevils.

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      Clean your storage bin thoroughly with a mop soaked in dish soap and water -- from corner to corner, top to bottom -- just before you harvest your corn. Clean your harvesting equipment too just before using it.

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      Inspect your storage bin for any cracks that corn weevils can use to gain entry to your crop.

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      Nail on a fine screening material to any cracks you find or use a thick bead of wood caulking.

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      Fumigate your storage bin and corn crops before bringing in your harvest. The type of insecticide that's best will depend on local laws and the type of corn you're growing. Consult with your state's agricultural extension for the types of chemicals most suited for your strain of corn and area. A common pesticide used is aluminum phosphide, which goes by the brand name Phostoxin or Fumiphos.

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      Harvest your corn at the proper time. Proper moisture levels for storage will vary by strain, ranging from a maximum of 10 to 14 percent moisture. This corn is less apt to carry weevils with it into the bin.

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      Regularly use a grain trier or probe to test the corn in your bin for infestations, which can be handled by insecticides if caught in time.