Home Garden

How to Grow Hydroponic Corn

Growing corn in a hydroponic garden is an interesting project. While corn only produces an average of three ears per stalk, even a small garden with nine corn plants produces enough ears for a few meals. Children are particularly fascinated with growing corn. By using an 18-gallon tub, aquarium pump, Styrofoam, planting mix and a hydroponic fertilizer, you can grow a little patch of corn in a corner of your garage or on an enclosed porch.

Things You'll Need

  • Plastic tub, 18-gallon
  • Plant stand on casters
  • Aquarium pump
  • Plastic tubing
  • Airstone
  • 2 sheets of Styrofoam, 1 1/2-by-18-by-24 inches
  • 1 sheet of Styrofoam, 1 1/2-by-15-by-17 inches
  • Skewer
  • Knife
  • 1 roll fiberglass window screen
  • Scissors
  • Drill with 2-inch hole saw
  • Perlite
  • Vermiculite
  • Coconut fiber
  • Bucket, 5-gallon
  • Dwarf sweet corn seeds
  • Hydroponic fertilizer
  • Oscillating floor fan
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    • 1

      Place the 18-gallon plastic tub on the plant stand. Position under a grow light or in front of a bright window.

    • 2

      Attach the plastic tubing to the aquarium pump and the airstone. Place the airstone in the tub, with the tubing extending up and out of the tub. Place the pump on a convenient shelf or table near but not above the tub.

    • 3

      Place the 15-by-17-inch Styrofoam on a flat surface. Cut an inch off one corner for the plastic tubing. Using the skewer, punch a series of holes approximately 2 inches apart and all the way through the Styrofoam. Set the Styrofoam in the bottom of the tub with the plastic tubing extending out of the corner. The Styrofoam should not touch the bottom. If it does, add a 4-inch plastic flower pot under each corner to hold it up.

    • 4

      Unroll the window screen and lay on top of the Styrofoam. Allow it to extend over all four sides of the tub. Remove any excess screen by cutting with scissors.

    • 5

      Mix 1 part perlite, 1 part vermiculite and 1 part coconut fiber in a 5-gallon bucket. Add water and mix until moist. Pour the planting mix on top of the window screen to within 4 inches of the top of the tub.

    • 6

      Align the two 18-by-24 sheets of Styrofoam, one on top of the other. On the 18-inch side, divide and mark four equal rows. Turn the Styrofoam and mark four equal rows along the 24-inch side, making a grid of 16 rectangles.

    • 7

      Bore a series of 2-inch holes all the way through both sheets of Styrofoam, using the hole saw. Center each hole on the grid where the lines meet, for a total of nine planting holes.

    • 8

      Place the doubled set of Styrofoam sheets on top of the planting mix in the tub. Press down a little to make firm contact with the planting mix.

    • 9

      Mix the hydroponic fertilizer with 2 gallons of water according to the manufacturer's directions. Pour gently into the bin. Add more water if necessary to ensure the solution touches the planting mix. Plug in the aquarium pump so it begins to aerate the solution.

    • 10

      Drop one dwarf sweet corn seed into each hole. Cover with 1 inch of moist vermiculite; keep it moist with a spray bottle of water until the corn sprouts. Once the roots extend into the planting mix, the corn will have sufficient moisture and fertilizer to grow.

    • 11

      Place an oscillating floor fan so it blows onto the garden. Corn is fertilized by the wind blowing the pollen from one plant to the next; a fan facilitates pollination.

    • 12

      Add more hydroponic fertilizer and water weekly or as needed.