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How to Treat Morning Glories With Preharvest Corn

Weed control in crops like corn is important to reduce competition for resources. Weeds can minimize the size and yield of corn crops. Persistent weeds such as morning glory may require treatments throughout the season. Pulling or tilling is rarely effective on this type of weed, as any root or stem left in the soil will quickly resprout. Morning glory is a broadleaf weed that can be controlled with glyphosate systemic herbicide only in genetically altered corn species. Morning glory causes a 14-percent crop loss even with herbicides, and as much as 49 percent if not treated.

Things You'll Need

  • Atrazine herbicide
  • Measuring cup
  • Water
  • Tank sprayer
  • Glyphosate
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  1. Glyphosate-Sensitive Varieties

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      Apply herbicides with atrazine before the corn is 12 inches tall and the morning glory is 1.5 inches tall. This herbicide needs only one application for control.

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      Mix 1.5 qt. of atrazine per acre of area. Follow the directions on the amount of water to add to the tank.

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      Spray on a windless day, when the plants are dry and free of dew. Use the nozzle on the tightest stream setting. Apply the product directly to the weed or drench the soil around it. The method you use will depend on how densely the stand of corn has been planted.

    Glyphosate-Tolerant Varieties

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      Spray a foliar mix of glyphosate and water onto the newer strains of corn that can tolerate the chemical. Treat when morning glory runners are shorter than 6 inches.

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      Mix 32 oz. per acre of glyphosate into the tank with the required amount of water. Apply the product when the corn is under 12 inches tall. Glyphosate will provide residual control for future morning glory sprouts.

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      Apply the spray directly to the leaves of the morning glory. It will be absorbed into the plant from the leaf stoma, and travel down to the root system to kill the plant. Complete kill time may be one to two weeks.