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How to Grow Blue Jade Corn in a Container

Corn plants are tall, sensitive summertime plants and require plenty of space and light. These large plants present some challenges in container and indoor growing situations. Blue Jade corn, on the other hand, grows to only 3 feet tall and thrives in container environments. Plant this crop in large containers with loose, nutritious soil and maintain good sun exposure for a sweet, cobalt blue harvest at the end of summer.

Things You'll Need

  • Pots
  • Organic compost
  • Garden loam
  • Fertilizer
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      Plant Blue Jade corn seeds or seedlings when spring arrives, at temperatures of 60 to 65 degrees F. Container corn plants don't require warm soil temperatures, but do need gentle air temperatures and bright sunshine.

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      Prepare 3- to 5-gallon pots with drainage holes for planting, and provide enough space for all the Blue Jade corn seeds. These plants grow best in multiple plantings for best pollination and harvest. Prepare larger containers for many plantings in one pot. Make sure the pots measure 6 to 12 inches in height to give the plants balance.

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      Fill the pots three-quarters full with a mix of garden loam and organic compost. Blue Jade corn needs quick-draining, moist and fertile soil for best growth and harvest. Add 12-12-12 granular fertilizer for more starting nutrition, and moisten the soil before planting.

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      Plant Blue Jade corn seeds 1 inch deep at 6 to 8 inches in larger container situation. Plant one seed in smaller pots to give each plant room to grow.

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      Put the pots in sites with full all-day sun and good air movement. Place the pots in a square formation for best wind pollination and harvest.

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      Water the Blue Jade corn with 2 inches of water every week. Fertilize the corn with nitrogen-heavy fertilizer two months after planting to encourage blooming and cob formation. Don't get fertilizer granules on the corn plant's foliage, as it will burn. Water immediately after the feeding.

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      Harvest Blue Jade corn 70 to 80 days after planting, when the corn reaches the "milky" stage. Corn kernels should release a milky white liquid when punctured. Young kernels produce watery liquid while old kernels become tough and dry.