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Companion Planting for Blue Jade Corn

Blue Jade corn is an heirloom variety of sweet corn that grows a bit shorter than other corn varieties, but is still a heavy feeder with a quick growth habit. Blue Jade benefits from companion plants that provide nutrients into the soil and repel pests. This is one of the only types of corn that can be planted in containers. In the garden, you can achieve the best growth results from this plant by planting it around legumes and certain protective species.
  1. Corn, Beans and Squash

    • You just have to look to the history of growing corn in the Americas to recognize some of its best companions. Historically, corn was, and still is, grown in tandem with beans and squash. These three crops provide complete nutrition and can sustain a family. Corn is a heavy feeder and benefits from the nitrogen enrichment provided by beans. Squash thrives in the partly shaded environment of the corn and acts as a mulch for corn by preventing weeds and retaining moisture. Corn can also provide the support for the climbing beans.

    Other Companions

    • Corn is a fast-growing, deep-rooting crop that needs all the nutrients it can get. Most types of legumes are beneficial as companions, including peanuts, peas and beans. One way to benefit from nitrogen-fixing crops is to plant them in the previous season as a cover crop. This leaves the soil enriched with nitrogen so the corn can grow well. Pigweed is another good nutrient companion that helps bring nutrients up from lower levels in the soil so they are accessible to the corn.

    Pest Repellents

    • Corn can be susceptible to certain diseases and pests, but the right helper crops can protect it. Marigolds discourage the Japanese beetle if planted around the perimeter of your corn crop. The corn borer, a destructive pest, is deterred by flowering radish. Simply plant rows of the radish around the corn and let it go to seed to deter the borer. Other companions include sunflowers, melons, beets, pumpkin, white geranium, amaranth, morning glory, potatoes and parsley. Grow crops in between corn rows to make efficient use of garden space.


    • For best growing results, plant Blue Jade corn in full sun in rich soil. Space the seeds 6 inches apart, and thin to 12 inches apart once they reach a foot tall. Provide deep water directly at the roots. If you have not provided a nitrogen fixer -- a plant like beans or clover that hold nitrogen in the soil -- you may need to fertilize with a high-nitrogen fertilizer. Yellowing leaves is a sign of nitrogen deficiency. Tomato and celery are two crops that should be planted away from your blue corn.