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How do I Grow Sweet Corn Under Plastic?

Corn is available in several varieties, including white corn, yellow corn and sweet corn, among others. Growing sweet corn poses a problem in certain areas due to its low tolerance for cold temperatures. In addition, sweet corn must be planted directly into the ground, since it does not transplant well from seed trays. To get an early start on the growing season, gardeners can plant the sweet corn under plastic sheeting in early spring, which keeps the ground temperatures warm.

Things You'll Need

  • Outdoor thermometer
  • Garden tiller
  • Sweet corn seeds
  • Garden hose or sprinkler
  • Vegetable-safe herbicide
  • Clear, perforated polyethylene film, 1 to 1 1/4 mm
  • Utility knife
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      Test the daytime soil temperature by sticking a outdoor thermometer at least 6 inches into the soil in the planting area. Wait until the daytime soil temperatures rise to at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit. Choose an area that receives direct sunlight for the majority of the day.

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      Set the blade depth on a garden tiller to a 6-inch depth and place the tiller at the edge of the desired planting location. Turn the tiller on and push it over the planting area to loosen the soil.

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      Create 2-inch deep holes into the soil spaced at least 8 inches apart. Place one sweet corn seed into each hole, and cover the holes with additional dirt. If more than one row of corn is desired, space each row of seeds 14 to 24 inches apart.

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      Water the ground thoroughly with a garden hose or sprinklers until the soil is damp to a 3-inch depth. Stick your finger down into the ground to test for the moisture depth.

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      Spray the entire area with an herbicide that is safe to use on edible vegetables at the rate indicated on the packaging. The herbicide is necessary because the plastic will create an ideal environment for weeds as well as the corn.

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      Lay 1 to 1 1/4 mm thick plastic perforated sheeting on top of the seed rows loosely. Do not pull it tight, since the seeds will need room to grow once they sprout. Place additional soil along the edges of the plastic to hold it down.

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      Allow the plastic to remain in place for one month. Use a utility knife to carefully cut an "X" in the plastic on top of each sweet corn seedling. Fold the open section down over the seedling. This allows the plastic to continue working as a weed barrier throughout the growing season.