Home Garden

How Far Apart Do I Plant Corn Stalks?

According to Colorado State University, corn takes up a lot of room in the vegetable garden, but it makes up for the space it takes with its sweet, juicy, homegrown taste. Plant these tall stalks away from anything else in the garden, with adequate space for growth.
  1. Site

    • Any corn planting site must have plenty of room both upward and outward, as these stalks grow quickly. Corn shades the ground below and will shade out smaller vegetable plants and vines.


    • According to USA Gardener, corn requires a specific planting formation so the flowers can take advantage of pollination by wind. Plant corn in rows that are at least 4 feet long, and plan to plant several rows for adequate pollination.


    • Corn does best spaced at 3 to 4 inches, with seeds planted 1 inch deep. Rows should be spaced at 24 to 32 inches. After the corn sprouts, many gardeners "thin" the growth down to one plant every 10 to 12 inches, to make sure that each plant gets enough water and nutrition.