Home Garden

Distance to Use in Corn Planting

Corn (Zea mays) is a tropical grass species that grows quickly and lives for only one growing season. It needs frost-free conditions in a fertile, moist, well-drained soil in abundant sunshine. It grows fastest when humidity is high.
  1. Plant Spacing

    • Sweet corn grown in home gardens is spaced between 8 to 12 inches apart in the planting row. Alternatively, five or six seeds are planted in a wide shallow hole called a "hill" and each hill is spaced 3 feet apart. According to Iowa State University, field corn seed may be spaced anywhere from 4 to 17 inches apart in the furrow row.

    Row Features

    • Corn is wind pollinated, so growing it in clustered blocks is better than in one long, solitary row. Space rows of home garden sweet corn 2 to 3 feet apart. Field corn rows range from 15 to 38 inches apart.

    Cros-Pollination Concerns

    • Corn destined to become seed for future crops is often isolated from other corn to prevent random pollination and unknown seed genetics. Purdue University recommends a distance of 250 feet between different sweet corn and popcorn or field corn. For pure genetic breeding, corn populations should be at least 750 feet apart.