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How Much Fertilizer Do I Use to Grow Sweet Corn?

The best and most efficient way to fertilize corn is to apply it in a band 2 inches below (prior to sowing) and 2 inches to the side of the seeds' proposed location once planted. After sowing, apply the fertilizer in bands on either side of the seedlings, 2 inches from their bases.
  1. Phosphorus Prior to Planting

    • Apply phosphorus fertilizer in a band below and beside the intended sowing spot, at the rate of approximately 1.2 lbs. of phosphorus for each row of 100 feet.

    Nitrogen Prior to Planting

    • High-nitrogen fertilizer should be given in two applications, with the first one prior to planting seeds. Apply the nitrogen fertilizer in bands, the same way as phosphorus is applied, at the rate of 1 1/4 lbs. of nitrogen per 100 feet of growing row.

    Nitrogen After Germination

    • Apply the second application of high-nitrogen fertilizer when corn seedlings have four or five leaves opened. Apply 1 1/4 lbs. of nitrogen per 100 feet of growing row, using the same application method as used prior to planting, but put a band on both sides of the seedlings and none beneath them.