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Ethanol Manufacuring Plants in Kansas

Although ethanol is perceived as a recent advancement in the automotive industry, it is actually the fuel Henry Ford used in the Model T. Today, it is used to some extent in almost half of the gasoline sold in the United States. While many consider ethanol production to be a wasteful use of corn, its byproduct, dry distillers grain, is sold to farmers for use as animal feed. In recent years, ethanol production has turned into a sprawling business throughout Kansas.
  1. Kansas Ethanol

    • Located in Lyons, Kansas Ethanol began production in 2008. They are the first ethanol plant to offer live burn demonstrations as a way to train firefighters in fighting ethanol burns. Annually, they process over 19 million bushels of corn into ethanol.

    Arkalon Energy

    • Arkalon Energy is the largest ethanol plant in Kansas, processing 39 million bushels of corn annually. This sprawling plant is located in Hayne, Kansas, in the southwest corner of the state. Arkalon is part of Conestoga Energy Partners, which also operates Bonanza Bioenergy in Garden City.

    Prairie Horizon Agri-Energy

    • Phillipsburg, located in north central Kansas, is home to Prairie Horizon Agri-Energy. This plant was established in 2003 and produces 40 million gallons of ethanol per year. At any given time, they have up to 200,000 bushels of corn ready to be processed.

    East Kansas Agri-Energy

    • Since 2005, East Kansas Agri-Energy, located in Garnett, has been producing up to 35 million gallons of ethanol per year. This facility was the sixth to open in the state since 1939. In addition to the ethanol the plant produces, East Kansas Agri-Energy sells over 150 tons of dry and wet distillers grain every year.