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When to Plant Sweet Corn in Zone 8

Although U.S. Department of Agriculture Plant Hardiness Map zone 8 has a mild winter and warm, long summers, there is typically only time for one crop of sweet corn each season. Planting corn at the right time gives it plenty of time to mature.
  1. Time Frame

    • For zone 8, which includes central and southern Alabama, Mississippi and other Southern states, plant sweet corn between March 15 and June 1. In the southern reaches of zone 8, including 8b, planting dates can be moved up to 10 days earlier.


    • In areas at the northern edges of zone 8, including 8a, cool temperatures might linger a bit longer. Planting dates for corn can be moved as late as March 25 to still allow for plenty of growing time.


    • Some types of cultivars are better suited to the climate of zone 8. Alabama Cooperative Extension recommends Golden Queen, Silver Queen, How Sweet It Is, Snow Belle or Seneca Chief. These cultivars can all be planted at the same dates.