Home Garden

When to Plant Sweet Corn in Missouri

Nothing says summer like fresh corn on the cob, and Missouri has a climate ideal for growing it. Whether you are planting a small home garden or a large commercial crop, timing is essential to a healthy harvest of sweet corn.
  1. Conditions

    • Sweet corn is sensitive to cold temperatures, but it also grows best when planted early. Most gardeners in Missouri plant sweet corn when the soil has warmed to 60 degrees Fahrenheit, or about a week before the last frost date for their part of the state.

    Time Frame

    • Late March to early April is the time to plant sweet corn in Missouri. In the Missouri Bootheel -- the southernmost and warmest part of the state -- frosts generally occur no later than April 5. In the Northern part of the state, the last frost is usually around April 20.


    • Early sweet corn plants are often covered with a layer of perforated clear plastic to protect the plants from frost. You can leave the plastic over the plants for about 30 days, after which it can be slit and removed.