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What Is the Proper Soil pH for Corn in Kentucky?

The acidity of soil is measured by its pH. All plants, including corn, grow best within a specific pH range. If you plan to grow corn in Kentucky, you may need to take measures to alter the pH of your soil.
  1. Ideal Range

    • A pH between roughly 6.0 and 7.0 is considered neutral. Anything lower is acidic, and anything higher is alkaline. Corn grows best in soil that is neutral to moderately acidic, with an ideal range between 5.0 and 6.0.

    Kentucky Soil

    • Soil in Kentucky tends to be acidic, but in most areas it can be too acidic for optimum growth of corn. A soil test will tell you the pH of your soil, and help you decide whether measures must be taken to improve it.


    • If you have strongly acidic soil, liming is the most common solution. Incorporating crushed limestone, which is highly alkaline, will neutralize the acid in soil. The University of Kentucky recommends liming at least 6 months before planting, for best results.