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DIY Vertical Succulent Wall

Create living art for your garden, deck or patio with a hanging succulent wall. While kits can be purchased online and at garden centers, you can create your own succulent wall and retain complete creative control. Choose a variety of succulents for planting and arrange them in a way that appeals to you. Frame them with a rustic or ornate frame depending on your personal taste.
  1. Plants to Use

    • Depending on the look you wish to achieve -- monochromatic, mosaic, patterned or random -- a wide range of succulent plants are available to create your succulent wall. Choose from different types of aloe, sedum, haworthia, crassula and echiveria. Aloe is available in a range of pale greenish gray hues with or without speckles. Sedum plants blossom to show colorful blooms, while echeveria plants encompass a range of shapes and colors. Crassula plants also known as 'chicks and hens' are a popular starting point for vertical succulent gardens.

    Putting it Together

    • Whether you purchase a kit or design the whole project yourself, a few key items are required. A frame, a mesh for planting and some sturdy hanging hardware to secure the finished piece in its final destination. A rectangular shape with a rustic frame is a common approach, but you can mix it up and use an oversized circular frame or create large panels of plantings for hanging on a fence. Use established plants with roots 1/4 inch or bigger for best results. Water thoroughly once finished and make sure to hang it in a sturdy space as the end product will likely be heavy depending on the size.

    Ideas for Planting

    • Whether you choose to plant the succulents in a random way, packing them in place wherever they fit or in a more structured pattern, the living art can be customized any way you like. Create a pavé pattern by creating rows of each type of plant. For instance, begin with small aloe plants and plant them tightly together along the outside edge of the planter. Next, choose chicks and hens and plant them the same way until the space is covered. Or, plant a mosaic pattern according to the color, shape and size of the plants.

    Other Ideas

    • Update a small patio space with a collection of small succulent gardens. For instance, choose three different types of plants and three similar frames. Plant one type of succulent in each frame and hang them gallery style next to one another on the wall, or one on top of the other. Or, bring the vertical garden theme inside to unify the outdoors with that of the indoors. Design a vertical wall garden for your kitchen with fresh herbs or lettuces.