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How to Grow an Arizona Rainbow Cactus From Seeds

The Arizona Rainbow cactus (Echinocereus rigidissimus), also known as the comb cactus and the hedgehog cactus, is a commonly grown houseplant. The cactus grows at room temperature or higher and produces a cylindrical body with pink-and-white flowers. The stems are red-green with yellow spines. It reaches up to 14 inches high and 8 inches thick and is low maintenance. Routine watering and fertilizing keeps this houseplant thriving for many years.

Things You'll Need

  • 8-inch terra-cotta plant pot
  • Cactus potting mix
  • Sand
  • Cardboard
  • Cactus fungicide
  • Cactus fertilizer
  • Fine gravel
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      Fill an 8 inch terra-cotta plant pot with cactus potting mix. The pot should have drainage holes.

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      Place a seed on top of the potting mix. Push it gently with your finger ensuring it stays in place. Cover the seed with a thin layer of sand.

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      Water the pot until water comes out of the drainage holes. Cover the pot’s top with a piece of cardboard until the plant germinates.

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      Apply a cactus fungicide to the plant once it develops leaves. Move the pot to a sunny window, preferably a south- or west-facing one.

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      Let the soil become slightly moist between waterings. Irrigate the pot with warm water and always water it at night. Apply a cactus fertilizer every two weeks, according to the package directions.

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      Stop fertilizing the cactus in the fall and winter. Let soil dry completely between waterings in the winter. Once the plant is established, covering the top of the potting soil with 1 inch of fine gravel keeps the stem from rotting.