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How to Make Sure Your Succulents Get Enough Sun

Succulent plants, such as aloe and cacti, are known for their hardiness and ability to store water in their leaves. Succulents usually grow best with plenty of natural light and warmth, so many gardeners put their plants in full sun all day. Succulents prefer as much sunlight as possible, but too much sun and heat can burn or damage the plants. Give your succulent plants the correct amount of sun to keep them growing and healthy.


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      Put your succulents in a south-facing window if you keep them indoors. This exposes them to the most sun throughout the day. Place your succulents in the sunniest spot in your garden if you grow the plants outdoors.

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      Turn the succulents around a few times each day. This ensures that the succulents get plenty of light from all angles. If a succulent is about to bloom, though, do not turn it or the blooms may fall off.

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      Provide some afternoon shade for succulents growing in very hot areas. Direct sunlight may damage succulents during the hot summer. Move potted succulents under a tree or put them in a shaded greenhouse. If your succulents are not movable, cover them with a thin tarp.

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      Look at the color of your succulents to determine whether they get enough sunlight. A dark green color means that the succulent is getting enough light. If it needs more light, the plant looks light green. If the plant is brown, orange or red, the succulent is damaged and needs more shade.