Home Garden

How to Get Cacti Out of the Yard

Cacti have become one of the most popular landscape plants around, but homeowners have found that these desert plants can sometimes grow surprising fast and become an unwelcome addition to a yard. Fortunately, you can control these plants quickly and inexpensively, either manually with a shovel or by using a herbicide. In removing though, be aware that cacti seeds can spread easily. It may take several sessions, over the course of a few months, to be permanently rid of the plants.

Things You'll Need

  • Heavy gloves
  • Cardboard boxes or wheelbarrow
  • Shovel
  • Saw or hatchet
  • Herbicide containing picloran
  • Water for mixing
  • Dishwashing detergent
  • Sprayer
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      Protect yourself with heavy gloves and have several cardboard boxes or a wheelbarrow ready for disposing the plants since regular garbage bags can provide little protection from the cacti spines.

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      Use a small amount of herbicide for large patches of cacti. You’ll want to use one that contains picloram. Usually, the manufacturer's directions will call for a concentration of 1 part herbicide to 100 parts water.

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      Add about 1 teaspoon of dishwashing liquid per gallon of water. Cacti stems and pads are usually covered with a waxy substance and the dishwashing liquid will increase the adhesion and effectiveness of the spray.

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      Fill a sprayer with a nozzle capable of delivering a coarse spray with the herbicide mixture and then apply the mixture directly to the pads or stems of each plant. Be careful not to apply the mixture to any nearby foliage that you want to retain.

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      Follow the manufacturer's direction on effective kill times for the plants. When you are sure they are dead, use a shovel to scoop them up for disposal.

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      Monitor the area for several months. Cacti seeds are small but can reproduce rapidly. Repeat the removal process at intervals until all small plants have been removed.